Friday, May 29, 2009


I love that sunblock works! Here's the sunblock I use. I love the way it smells...
Why SPF 30, you ask? Well, I want to have a good base tan before I go to my normal SPF 15 or else people will start calling me names like Red-Katey-Peels-A-Lot. DUH! My dear sunblock only has one fault: it only works where you put it on!!! What? Who? Ugh! 

Luckily for me, I have this.
It works wonders. I L-O-V-E it... and so does my skin. The End.


Unknown said...

good product reference. I'll keep that in mind when I use sunscreen.

TC, Ashley said...

Good to know. I hate sunscreen all around-it just annoys me to put it on. Hope you are doing well. We should hang out soon!

Kara said...

I've used that after-sun lotion for years! It smells like summertime to me :) I just love putting it on after the beach!