Friday, October 7, 2011

Busy, Busy, Bla, Bla, Bla!

I know you've been thinking,
"Hey! I wonder what Katey and Daniel are up to!"


"I think I need to see another Picture of Kylee, let me check the blog!"

Well before you despair and lose hope, here's a picture that we took yesterday.
Kylee's been sick :(

But one thing about this little bear, she never lets her circumstances effect her attitude.
She's always happy....
unless she's tired or hungry.

But in sickness? Happy!

Also, if you really are wondering what we are up to... I will tell you!

In August, we were busy with this!
Jamie got married!
Then Daniel went here
That's Disneyworld for those of you who don't "Hablar de Mickey Mouse"
 And I've been spending a lot of time with this!
Her name is Horizonte!
We're getting ready for this
Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas! 

But sad we won't be able to go here

We are still hopeful to see them
Before the year is done.

 But in the meantime, we'll be running this
and I may ride this
and run this again (maybe)
And that's what we're up to!

1 comment:

Kirsti said...

wow! What a cool post- you really are super busy!! Let me know if Claremont is in your plans soon, i'd love to get together again!!